What You Should Know About Type 1 Diabetes And Your Child

If your child has recently been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, you may feel worried and confused about the situation. Type 1 diabetes is a serious diagnosis and can be overwhelming at first. Get to know some of the facts that you should know about type 1 diabetes and your child. Then, you can be sure you are better prepared to care for your child and manage their type 1 diabetes going forward. [Read More]

3 Medical Tests You Need after Menopause

Menopausal women may be at higher risk for developing certain illnesses because heart-protective hormones such as estrogen decline sharply during this time. It is for this reason that you may need some baseline diagnostic tests to determine if menopause is raising your risk. Here are three medical tests that can be performed at your family health clinic and how they may keep you healthy: Bone Density Test Menopause may raise your risk for developing osteoporosis. [Read More]

4 Things A Healthcare Clinic Can Do

Working to feel your best is the key to enjoying life. There's no doubt that you'll want to do the right things to take care of your health. It may be necessary to visit a health-care clinic to enable you to do so. The good news is there are many things this type of medical provider can do that will improve your well-being. Known many of the reasons to visit a clinic of this type may be beneficial to you. [Read More]

Does Your Back Hurt After Sitting In An Office Chair All Day?

Back pain is a common problem that affects a growing number of people every year. One of the most common causes of this pain is sitting in an office chair for too long. Thankfully, you can manage this type of pain by improving your posture and getting treatment. Sitting In An Office Chair Can Cause Poor Posture Few people know how to sit in an office chair properly. They may slouch, crouch over their keyboard, lean forward to see their screen, and otherwise interact with their computer and their chair in a way that stresses out their back muscles and the nerves around it. [Read More]