A Hormonal Imbalance: Testing And Treatment Processes

Hormones play a critical role in how your body functions. A hormonal imbalance could affect your mood and physical health. Learn how a clinician detects a hormonal imbalance. Then familiarize yourself with treatment options that will regulate hormone levels. Hormones Hormones are responsible for all of the primary functions of the body. They act as messengers. Some hormones control growth. Others convey messages about feeling full, hungry, or tired. A hormone imbalance could be disruptive to a person's daily routine. [Read More]

Good Preventative Care Questions To Ask Your Primary Care Doctor

Your primary care doctor should be your go-to source of health and wellness information. Usually during your visit, they will give you a few tips to help with any ailments or pains you are currently facing. They may also give you some basic advice such as getting more exercising or eating more vegetables. But if you want more specific, preventative care advice from your doctor, it is often wise to ask them questions. [Read More]

How To Know If You're Suffering From Black Lung Disease

One of the worst consequences of exposure to silica—a toxic chemical sometimes found in coal dust—is that you might develop an advanced stage of black lung disease known as progressive massive fibrosis. This is considered an occupational disease because you are more likely to be exposed to it at work. It's essential to have your condition checked out by a medical clinic so you can have the best possible outcome. [Read More]

Dealing With Cataracts? Why You Shouldn't Postpone Surgery

If you're losing your vision due to cataracts, don't postpone treatment. You might think you can wait for cataract surgery, but that's not the case. Cataracts create a cloudy cover over the lens of your eyes. The thicker the cover, the more vision loss you sustain. That's why you need to talk to your optometrist as soon as possible. If you've been postponing your cataract surgery, read the list provided below. [Read More]